Perfect your essays

Never submit your essay without Theo’s feedback

  • Perfect your essay before you submit

  • Get instant feedback - 24/7

  • Submit with confidence and improve your grades

  • Theo’s pre-submission feedback won’t get you in trouble

  • Designed with educators and students

Loved by teachers worldwide


Reader, UK

“It’s going to help the students make some real progress.”


University Tutor, USA

“The feedback is much more thorough than I would be!”


Teaching assistant, Spain

“I can't wait to use a tool like this. It will make my job more efficient and enhance how I support students.”


Pre-submission assessment

Get feedback on your drafts before you submit. Theo’s Pre-submission assessment is available 20/7 and will help you perfect your manuscripts faster.

Find the best references

Theo can find the most relevant resources for your essay. You can quickly scan all papers and decide which ones you want to add to your library or citations.

Intelligent Paper Digest

Read a short, simplified summary of scientific articles and grasp key concepts and findings within minutes. 

Write with a tool specifically designed for students like you. Elevate and improve your writing, and enjoy a whole new level of productivity.

Writing with feedback

The AI essay tool you’ve always asked for

Are you struggling to put forward coherent arguments, ensure proper referencing, or structure your manuscript so it reflects the logical arrangement of ideas? Turn to thesify the next time you’re assigned an essay, thesis, research paper, or report. Our academic AI tool eliminates writing obstacles and empowers you on your educational journey without compromising academic integrity.

Let’s make it clear: Thesify won’t write instead of you. It fosters critical thinking and academic rigor by providing AI-powered assistance, insights, and feedback to help you get an A for that writing task.

The allure of shortcuts like AI-generated content may be enticing, but it skirts ethical boundaries and doesn’t make you a better student. Thesify prioritizes AI-assisted yet student-performed analysis and insightful suggestions that you can use to supercharge your writing and learning.

Say hello to Theo

You don’t have to navigate academic writing alone. When using our AI essay tool for students, you’re accompanied by Theo, an AI-powered assistant. With Theo, you can make the most of thesify’s features to:

  • Plan a workflow for your written assignment

  • Develop robust arguments and reinforce claims

  • Explore complex concepts and provide relevant analogies

  • Look up references and ensure they are honest and properly cited

  • Integrate literature suggestions and summarize articles

  • Pull off everything it takes to submit your writing with confidence

The Theo research & writing AI assistant helps you instantly spot and overcome the weaknesses of your manuscript. Whether your work is laden with vague statements, redundancy, or lack of critical analysis, Theo will show you the areas for improvement so that you can refine your piece and make it flow flawlessly. It’s like your professor who’s available 24/7 to scrutinize your drafts in no time.

Ethical use of AI for assignments

Thesify operates on the principles of ethical AI usage to support academic honesty and integrity. In other words, Theo has nothing to do with bypassing academic conventions. Unlike hallucinating AI writing tools, it won’t generate an entire essay for you or make up facts you can dwell on in your manuscript.

What Theo does is based on practical assistance. He provides invaluable support for students by drawing their attention to the good and bad aspects of their writing. However, you may still need to consult with your professors to ensure thesify and Theo don’t breach specific assignment guidelines.

Free features for your academic success

Theo isn’t obsessed with money. You can test Theo’s AI essay feedback for free. Analyze, assess, and enhance your assignments at no charge!

If you need more credits, simply sign-up for one of our affordable plans. Subscribing is a good idea if you’re working on a long-term academic project or writing several essays, reports, or assignments during your term.

Are you afraid Theo may steal your manuscript? Don’t be. Thesify doesn’t distribute or use your data to train our AI assistant students. Bring your assignments to perfection without worries!

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