Alessandra Giugliano Alessandra Giugliano

Ace the New School Year: 3 Strategies for a Strong Start

Start your school year on the right foot with these three essential strategies for success. Learn how to establish a productive routine, build meaningful connections with peers and professors, and find the right academic tools to help you stay organized.

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Marc.Oliver Gewaltig Marc.Oliver Gewaltig

Rewriting the Story: How Feedback Turns Good Essays into Great Ones

Let’s face it: writing essays can feel like a chore. But what if I told you that writing can actually be fun, even rewarding? The trick is approaching it as a process, not a one-and-done task. The best way to level up your essay game is through feedback and revisions. Seriously—getting feedback can turn your essay from a rough draft into something polished, clear, and insightful.

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Tetiana Vatkovska Tetiana Vatkovska

Procrastination is linked to poor health – new study

University students have a lot of freedom but not much structure. This can be bad for habitual procrastinators. Studies have shown that at least half of university students procrastinate to a level that is potentially harmful to their education.

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Tetiana Vatkovska Tetiana Vatkovska

Should AI be permitted in college classrooms? 4 scholars weigh in

One of the most intense discussions taking place among university faculty is whether to permit students to use artificial intelligence in the classroom. To gain perspective on the matter, The Conversation reached out to four scholars for their take on AI as a learning tool and the reasons why they will or won’t be making it a part of their classes.

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Alessandra Giugliano Alessandra Giugliano

Thesify’s New Features: Your Guide to Academic Writing Excellence

At thesify, we are thrilled to introduce new features designed to improve your academic writing experience. Whether you’re working on essays, research papers, or any writing project, thesify is here to support you every step of the way. Learn how our intelligent study assistant, Theo, can help you excel in your studies.

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