
Unlock the full potential of Thesify with our subscription plans. Choose from three options: Free, Monthly, or Yearly (with a one-time discount). With our plans, you'll receive uninterrupted access to Theo’s feedback and tailored benefits designed to meet your needs.

You won’t be charged if you run out of credits. You can upgrade your plan at any time.

How credits work

The credits included in the free plan allow you to review one draft at no cost after signing up. Please note that 1 credit will be deducted for every 500 words (this is an approximate number and may vary based on the complexity of your draft).

Upgrade your plan to access an unlimited credit budget while your subscription is active. This gives you the benefit of receiving feedback on an unlimited number of drafts, including larger ones.

Please be aware that if you cancel your membership, your access to this unlimited feedback will end at the end of the current billing cycle.